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All about COVID-19 vaccination worldwide
Expatriation - Published on 5/27/21
Where can I find information on the various COVID-19 vaccines already available by country, the level of vaccination per country and how to get the vaccine in a particular country?

Planning your expatriation: get a health check-up before you go!
Preparing to leave - Published on 10/1/20
You have decided to have an experience abroad? It is essential to have a medical check-up before leaving for a foreign country.

The Erasmus Program: The most popular universities are...
Studying abroad - Published on 10/1/20
As a reminder, Erasmus is an exchange program for students and teachers created in 1987 between European universities and Grandes Ecoles; the objective is to develop the enrichment of each through the...

The increasing popularity of expatriation
Expatriation - Published on 10/1/20
Expatriation is on the rise. It’s a phenomenon which is now attracting more and more candidates to leave their home country. Every one of them wants to experience what it’s like to live abroad, from a...

Expatriation vs secondment status
Expatriation - Published on 10/1/20
The difference between an expatriate and a secondee lies in their status with respect to French Social Security law. This notion of expatriate or seconded status therefore applies only to the French.

Planning your return home from expatriation
Returning from expatriation - Published on 10/1/20
Time to go home? The adventure is at an end and the homeland beckons! It has to be said that, as a rule, there’s less excitement than there was on the outward journey. But that doesn’t mean the return...