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All about COVID-19 vaccination worldwide
Where can I find information on the various COVID-19 vaccines already available by country, the level of vaccination per country and how to get the vaccine in a particular country?
Planning your expatriation: get a health check-up before you go!
You have decided to have an experience abroad? It is essential to have a medical check-up before leaving for a foreign country.
Preparing your expatriation as a family.
Here are 4 points outlining how to be best prepared for going abroad for yourself and your family:
Working abroad: what you need to know before signing on the dotted line !
These five elements appear as key points when hiring abroad. One should never lose sight of the fact that each country has its own functioning and its own legislation!


Last minutes

25/07/2024 16:18

France expresses its heartfelt solidarity with the Ethiopian people and offers its deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of the hundreds of victims of the landslide that occurred on July 22 in the Geze-Gofa district, in the South Ethiopia Regional State.

22/07/2024 14:20

France condemns the shocking sentencing of the American journalist Evan Gershkovich to 16 years in a penal colony.
The Russian regime is constantly sliding further into repression. France is very worried by the increasingly powerful obstacles to freedom of expression, the freedom to inform, and access to independent information in Russia.
France calls on the Russian authorities to release Evan Gershkovich and all political prisoners, both Russian and foreign, and respect basic rights and (…)

19/07/2024 16:17

France, Ukraine and the World Food Programme (WFP) are working closely together to respond to the humanitarian emergency in Gaza through the Grain from Ukraine program.
In line with the French foreign minister's announcement at his April 16th meeting with WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain, France, in partnership with several European nations, financed the WFP's July shipment of a thousand tons of Ukrainian flour to Gaza via Jordan, which will feed more than 100,000 Palestinian families for (…)

19/07/2024 16:14

France condemns the drone attack that struck Tel Aviv early on July 19, for which the Houthis claimed responsibility. We offer our condolences to the victim's loved ones and express our support for those who were injured.
The Houthis, who are supported by the Islamic Republic of Iran, must immediately stop their attacks, which fuel regional escalation. That includes their attacks in the Red Sea.
France reaffirms its commitment to regional stability and Israel's (…)

18/07/2024 18:15

Produced to mark the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the “Common Impetus” (Élan commun in French) exhibition showcases political figures and international athletes committed to peace. They all dedicated their lives to human rights, education, equality, solidarity and co-existence. Together, they have built momentum and furthered fights for human rights and peace on the international stage.
This exhibition is on display in Paris throughout the summer, firstly on the Quai d'Orsay railings, then on (…)

18/07/2024 16:15


Only the two-state solution can bring a just and lasting peace to both Israelis and Palestinians and guarantee stability in the region. France calls for ending the challenges to this imperative, which is recognized as such by the vast majority of the international community.
We express our dismay at the Knesset's adoption of a resolution yesterday that rejects the prospect of establishing a Palestinian state, contradicting the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council.
We condemn (…)

17/07/2024 20:22


Q: The office of Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán said on Monday that the peace plan for Ukraine had been sent to all EU member countries. Did France receive such a document? What was the reaction to this initiative? Will Paris respond to Mr. Orbán?
A: Viktor Orbán reported back to the European Council on the consultations he decided to hold with third parties on the subject of Ukraine.
But as we have already emphasized, the European Council did not give the Hungarian Prime Minister a (…)

17/07/2024 20:10


On July 17, 2014, 298 passengers and crew members died when Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine's Donetsk region. Ten years after that appalling tragedy, France's thoughts go out to the victims and their loved ones, to whom we reiterate our heartfelt condolences and solidarity. France shares the particular pain of the Netherlands and Australia, which were hit especially hard by this tragedy.
While the district court in The Hague handed down sentences on November 17, (…)

16/07/2024 15:56


France is outraged by Israel's strikes on July 14 and 15 on an UNRWA school and the Al-Maghazi refugee camp that shelters displaced persons. The strikes of the last couple of days, which left nearly 100 dead, exacerbate the catastrophic civilian death toll in Gaza.
France emphasizes the need for Israel to abide by international humanitarian law.
Given the humanitarian emergency in Gaza, France reiterates its call for an immediate ceasefire and the release of all (…)

12/07/2024 18:32


France was outraged to learn that the Russian human rights defender Oleg Orlov's two-and-a-half year prison sentence was upheld, following a trial in which the rights of the defense were systematically flouted.
This decision is all the more troubling as Mr. Orlov is in poor health and has been subjected to ill-treatment since his initial trial.
France condemns this latest example of Russia's authoritarian excesses and calls on the Russian authorities to release all political prisoners (…)